Dependable Exterminating offers New Construction Pest Control and Demolition Pest Control. Our NYS Certified Pest Control technicians will identify the source of your pest infested Area, create a Treatment plan to eliminate the pests. Let us be your Pest Control company you depend on, Call Us Today 1-844-305-8999.
Rodent Abatement and New Construction Rodent Control
If you are demolishing your home or building, your local building department may require you to obtain a rodent abatement letter in order for you to receive a permit to perform the demolition. This is to make sure that after the demolition process is completed, existing mice and rats will not have the ability to re-locate elsewhere, negatively impacting the neighboring structures.
Our Dependable Exterminating trained technicians are experts with these situations, which can potentially dislodge established rat populations and send them desperately running to nearby buildings and homes, causing upset or even liability issues with neighbors.
The City requires demolition companies to hire an exterminator to exterminate rats before building demolitions. Before demolition, the demolition company must get a certificate confirming that the pre-demolition extermination was performed and adequate. The City issues pre-demolition rat extermination certificate. (Rodent Abatement)

WDI Inspections
If you’re buying, selling or refinancing your home, chances are you‘ll need a “Wood Destroying Insect” (WDI) Inspection.
A WDI Inspection is a written report of an Termite Infested location in your home, where visible and accessible evidence of infestation or Termite Damage by wood destroying insects is documented.
WDI Inspections are typically required for a closing and commonly called a "Termite Inspection", "Clearance Letter", or "Termite Letter".
Dependable Exterminating specializes in WDI Inspections. One of our state certified and licensed technicians will inspect your property for wood destroying insects and Termite Damage.
Additionally, we inspect for signs of water damage and other conducive conditions which may contribute to an infestation; such as plumbing leaks or earth to wood contact.

The number one problem we see in New Construction is issues with Mice and Rats. Mice and Rats traveling and or hitching a ride in the Vendors Construction Equipment and building material from previous work sites. Anything that has been stored in a Warehouse, i.e New Appliances, Flooring Material is subject-able to mice and rat infestations. Unsanitary conditions left by construction workers. We are experts in New Construction Pest Control and in Demolition Pest Control. Give Us A Call Today. 1-844-305-8999.