Our New Rochelle Pest Control Exterminator will identify the source of the pest infestation and create a customized treatment plan to eliminate the pests. Let us be your New Rochelle Exterminator that you can Depend On, Give Us A Call Today. (844) 305-8999.
Nearly everyone is affected by mosquitoes during the warmer months of the year. Mosquitoes are out in abundance in New Rochelle NY. Mosquitoes bite during the day and night, live indoors and outdoors, and search for warm places as temperatures begin to drop. Female Mosquitoes feed on blood. They need the protein to reproduce. To get to the blood, they pierce your skin with their "proboscis" and suck your blood. Male mosquitoes feed exclusively on plant nectar. Mosquitoes in Westchester County NY have tested positive for the West Nile Virus. Let Our New Rochelle Exterminator make your property Mosquito Free. Call Us Today.

Hornets in New Rochelle NY are most abundant in the warmer months. Hornets will build their nests in trees, bushes, eaves or any other convenient area on your property. The two most common hornets you will find in New Rochelle NY, and Westchester County NY are the Bald Face Hornet and the European Hornet. Hornets are very aggressive and have a very large and vicious stinger. Hornets are representative of social Hornets that live in large cooperative groups that will defend their colony at all costs. Our New Rochelle Exterminator specializes in Hornet Nest Removals.

Termites cause billions of dollars in damage each year, Subterranean Termites are the most common and destructive Termite in New Rochelle NY. Subterranean Termites build their colonies in the soil and are attracted to moisture. The termites will then enter your home from beneath the soil surface and forage within the wood causing extensive damage to your home or property. Most of the time you would not notice you have termites without a thorough Termite Inspection by a certified Termite Inspector. At Dependable Exterminating we offer Free Termite Inspections. Our New Rochelle Exterminator is a NYS Certified Termite Inspector. Give Us A Call Today @ (844) 305-8999