Our Pelham Manor Pest Control Exterminator will identify the source of the pest infestation and create a customized treatment plan to eliminate the pests. Let us be your Pelham Manor Exterminator that you can Depend On, Give Us A Call Today. (844) 305-8999.
Cockroaches are household pests throughout the Westchester County NY area. Cockroaches feed on a variety of foods, with a preference for starchy and sugary material. Cockroaches will sip milk, soda or beer left out or left in unrinsed bottles, nibble cheese, feed on meats, pastry, grain products, sugar. Practically all the foods that we eat. The two most common roaches are the German Cockroach and the American Cockroach or the Water Bug and are being discovered even in the best of homes in Pelham Manor NY. At Dependable Exterminating our Pelham Manor Exterminator Specializes in eliminating Cockroaches from your home. Call Us Today.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Stink Bugs in Pelham Manor NY can be a nuisance pest in homes. Stink Bugs are attracted to the outside of houses on warm fall days in search of protected, overwintering sites and can enter houses in large numbers. They will enter your home under siding, into soffits, around window and door frames, chimneys, or any space which has openings big enough to fit through. Once the Stinkbugs are inside the house, they will go into a state of hibernation. They wait for winter to pass, but often the warmth inside the house causes them to become active, and they may fly clumsily around light fixtures. If you notice you have a Stinkbug Infestation, Give Us A Call Today. Our Pelham Manor Exterminator are experts on Eliminating Stinkbug Infestations from your home and property.

Just the thought of having spiders in your home can be very scary. The most common Spiders found in Pelham Manor NY are the spindly-legged American House Spider, they have an iconic spider shape and are known for their messy cobwebs. Although American House Spiders are not dangerous to humans, they can still bite. The most severe bite from one of these spiders may feel similar a bee sting. If you notice you have Spiders in your home or on your property or would like an inspection our Pelham Manor Exterminator is just a phone call away.